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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E01

    Episode 1


    Episode 1 of The Traitors starts immediately with a mission. The winners of the mission get access to the armory and get to be the first to board a plane to a castle in France. On the plane, the 10 winners of the mission immediately make a pact to banish Imke, who is on the losing team. The losers of the mission leave for France on a later plane. They do not make a pact. At the castle, the candidates meet and have to go to the round table for the first time to designate the traitors. Staf chooses Walter, Klaasje and Bart as traitors. When the traitors meet for the first time in the tower room, Staf immediately has a surprise for them because they don't have to kill anyone that night but they do have to put 4 candidates on a death list, one of whom will be killed the next night anyway.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E02

    Episode 2


    The allies have had a first sleepless night (except Sarah who had a shield) and discover at breakfast that no one was killed that night. This immediately causes confusion. And when Staf comes to tell them about the death list, that confusion turns to terror and excitement for Veronique, Nora, Hans and Charlotte because they are on the death list and for one of them today is the last day. So they are about to face an exciting day. But they can avoid their death if they can obtain a shield. For this they have to win the mission It will be a musical mission in which they have to play a memory game with songs. The winners of the mission get access to the armory where today there is not only a shield to pick up, but also a dagger, which gives an extra voice to the round table. The mission is won by Bart, Klaasje, Guy, Jelle and Charlotte. They get to go to the armory, where Bart gets a dagger and Charlotte gets a shield. So Charlotte who is on the death list can no longer be killed that night. After the mission, it becomes clear that the pact to vote Imke away is by now widespread throughout the castle. Doubt strikes some allies, causing the pact to begin to falter. Andy, meanwhile, is high on the suspect list of many allies. Then it is time for the round table where things immediately get tough and it becomes clear that the pact against Imke will not hold. It becomes a duel between Andy and Imke. In the end, Andy is banned first for acting suspiciously. A wrong decision because he is obviously an ally. Veronique, Hans and Nora face a sleepless night because they are still on the death list and thus have to fear for their lives.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E03

    Episode 3


    The first murder has been committed. At the breakfast table, the allies discover that Nora did not make it through the night. They are now down to 18 candidates. Walter becomes suspected. He suddenly begins to blend more into the group, and that conspicuous behavior is suspicious. But the arrows also focus on chef Jelle. And Klaasje is trying to convince as many allies as possible that Charlotte might be a traitor. So winning a shield has become very crucial for some to secure themselves from another assassination. For that, a new mission must first be played. It will be a sporty mission where knowledge about the other participants is at least as important. The candidates divide into 3 groups and will have to work well together. The winners of the mission are: Veronique, Imke, Sarah, Klaasje, Bart and Celine so they get access to the armory. Veronique has the dagger and Bart has the shield so no ally is safe the next night. And then it's time again for the round table, where everyone must confess color and avenge the first murder. All eyes suddenly seem to be on Walter. The traitors feel cornered and Klaasje opens the attack on Charlotte, but they can no longer defend or save Walter and the allies manage to banish the first traitor. The shock of the first murder gives way to pure euphoria among the allies. And Charlotte immediately sets her sights on Klaasje after Walter's banishment. During the conclave, the traitors must choose whether to commit another murder or try to entice someone from the allies to become a traitor. They choose the latter and waver between Charlotte and Guy as the new traitor.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E04

    Episode 4


    Chaos has erupted in the castle. At breakfast, the allies discover what choice the traitors have made. There is a new traitor in play. In the end, it is Guy who accepted the new role as traitor without hesitation. The three traitors immediately face a difficult task: to remove suspicion from Klaasje. During the mission, the candidates must move large balls in groups and be the first to reach the finish line. The winners of the mission are Franky, Bart, Guy, Hendrik and Klaasje. They get to go to the armory. Bart has the dagger this time and Franky the shield. And then the candidates have to get ready for the round table again. It's make or break for Klaasje. She had been in the crosshairs since the previous round table and had 24h to take the spotlight off herself. But here she did not succeed. In the end, 13 candidates, including fellow traitors Bart and Guy, write down her name and she is banished from the castle. Hendrik also drops another bombshell: he believes he is on the trail of the third traitor and wrote his theory on a bill that he gives to Martine. In the conclave, traitors Bart and Guy decide to seduce someone again after Klaasje's departure and set up Charlotte's seduction, but she hesitates.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E05

    Episode 5


    Charlotte decides to accept Guy and Bart's offer to become a traitor. But whether the traitors have killed or seduced anyone the allies don't find out right away at breakfast because Staf has a surprise: some people have been kidnapped and the mission is to find them. The team that finds them first wins access to the armory. A shield and 2 daggers can be found there this time. During the mission, the traitors will try to find out the contents of the bill that Hendrik gave to Martine. And here they also succeed. In the run-up to the round table, emotions run high. The group divides into two camps. At the round table, too, things get heated. Hendrik persuades the allies to go along with his strategy to get rid of Aagje. She must leave the castle. Because of Hendrik's error in judgment, another ally is voted home, which suddenly makes Hendrik himself a suspect. The traitors manage to stay completely out of sight and stand strong. They will kill again this night anyway.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E06

    Episode 6


    Imke does not appear at breakfast, she was killed last night by the traitors. A calculated risk of the traitors because Bart had a shield and also Imke was in the team that won the mission and thus had access to the armory. For the mission, the group has to divide into 2 groups. They have to search for the perpetrator of a murder from the past. Afterwards, the group heads for the round table, where a real battle is fought. Hendrik goes head-on against Celine with the absolute certainty that she is one of the original traitors. But Hendrik himself is also in tight spots after Veronique got part of the group to vote against him. So a real clash erupts between Hendrik, Celine and Veronique. It becomes a duel between Celine and Hendrik. In the end, Celine is exiled and reveals that she was an ally. A revelation that completely upsets Hendrik. Bart, Guy and Charlotte are on cloud nine now that another ally has been eliminated. At the same time, the traitors are also starting to come into focus here and there, and Bart's name was even mentioned for the first time at the Round Table. He seems to be able to put out that fire for now.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E07

    Episode 7


    The traitors have struck again and the group awakens with one player less. Liliane has been murdered. After the initial emotions have subsided, Staf presents the group with a creative mission. The participants must paint a self-portrait and judge each other's work. Whoever gets the most points increases their chance of getting into the armory. Bert, Jelle, Hans and Franky score the lowest and they are not allowed into the armory. During the round table, Bert is banned from the game. The fire around Bert was lit by Veronique and suddenly set the whole group ablaze. Bert gets the entire round table against him and has to leave the game.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E08

    Episode 8


    Day 8 and the last straight line toward the finale is set. From now on, no allies may be seduced when a traitor falls away. Another ally was killed: Jelle. Now 7 allies and 3 traitors remain in the game. Everyone suspects everyone and even the traitors themselves seem unable to escape. A new mission might offer opportunities for the traitors. The candidates must help a local bakery with deliveries. If they manage to deliver at least 9 out of 12 orders correctly, everyone gets to go to the armory. If not, the armory remains locked. So the traitors do everything they can to boycott this mission, then they can kill freely tonight, and they succeed. Despite suspicions toward Charlotte, she is still able to save her skin, and it is Hendrik who can no longer escape exile at the round table. The departure of the most fanatical detectives leaves the allies orphaned. A good thing for the traitors because their names were on Hendrik's suspect list. After an intense day and round table, emotions run high for traitor Charlotte, causing her to slip up and reveal herself as a traitor. One person realizes this: Veronique.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E09

    Episode 9


    The traitors decided to kill Martine last night. The murder causes additional confusion and chaos in the castle and the traitors can make good use of that towards the finale.

    The group of allies keeps thinning out. At the same time, the traitors also feel the allies' breath on their necks getting hotter and hotter. Part of the group has Guy in their sights, and through her slip of the tongue, Charlotte also walks into the spotlight. With the finale in sight, the importance of a shield or dagger is growing. These can be earned with a new mission. During an exclusive restaurant visit, Staf treats the candidates to local haute cuisine. They take turns at his table for an intimate dinner with a twist. Tactics are crucial because there are 3 daggers to be won and a very last shield. In the end, only Sarah gets to go to the armory. She has a dagger.

    At the round table, all eyes are on Charlotte. She still tries to defend herself, but she has nowhere to go. In the end, she is judged for her slip of the tongue and banished. A huge boost for the allies just before the finale. With Bart and Guy and Sarah, Elodie, Hans, Veronique and Franky, there are still two traitors and five allies in the running. But not for long, as one ally will be killed just before the finale.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E10

    Episode 10


    The day of the finale has arrived. Hans was killed but the remaining allies do not know this yet as they are taken by Staf one by one before breakfast for the ultimate mission. The 6 finalists play one last time for access to the armory where two daggers will be found. The candidates are dropped into a forest with a compass and a rope. They have to get to a well as fast as possible. The 4 fastest candidates are Elodie, Veronique, Sarah and Bart. They receive a key to the armory. Back in the castle, the candidates get ready for the round table. A clever tactical game allows Guy to deflect suspicion from him and Bart and Guy suddenly fire all their arrows at Sarah and Elodie, being followed by allies Veronique and Franky. Tempers run high and Elodie and Sarah are banned to their own disbelief. Franky and Veronique think they have thus eliminated all traitors and decide, along with Guy and Bart, to end the game. Bart and Guy win the game.

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  • The Traitors (Belgium (Flemish)) S02E11

    Episode 11

    Reunion Show

    The host of the show, Staf Coppens, presents this special last show of the series bringing the cast back together.

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Episode Guide

Spoiler alert! Please be aware that the guide below reveals which contestants were banished and murdered in each episode, along with who won the series.

Season 2
EP 1 Reveal
EP 2 Reveal
EP 3 Reveal
EP 4 Reveal
EP 5 Reveal
EP 6 Reveal
EP 7 Reveal
EP 8 Reveal
EP 9 Reveal
EP 10 Reveal all
Other event
Traitor Murdered Banished Traitor Banished Shield Deathrow Seduction Blackmail Dagger Quit Disqualified
Reveal winner

Bart and Guy, the two remaining Traitors faced off against Franky, Véronique, Sarah and Elodie in the nail biting finale. First to be banished was Sarah. Elodie, holding the dagger, attempted to swing the next banishment behind Guy but failed and was herself banished. The remaining players voted unanimously to end the voting… only for the Faithfuls Franky and Véronique to discover that they were facing two Traitors. Bart and Guy claimed victory.